
About Our Ministry - Kairos of California
Kairos of California is Kairos's state-level organization overseeing the many individual Kairos Prison Ministries here in California.  The Kairos Inside programs are in 13 state correctional institutions and California-based federal prisons.  Individual Kairos governing boards and councils in each of these prison communities have the responsibility to bring the Kairos Inside program, inside that particular prison, right to those who need it most.  California's Kairos Outside programs minister to families of the incarcerated in seven locations around the state.

Not familiar with the Kairos programs?  Just keep reading to learn more about the Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside, and Kairos Torch programs in California.

About Us - Kairos Inside, Outside & Torch in California

Kairos Inside believes that true rehabilitation starts with the "heart".  With this in mind, our ministry to incarcerated men and women begins with the Kairos weekend where volunteers model and communicate God's unconditional love, grace and mercy.  It is here that God begins changing hearts.  A key outcome of the Kairos weekend is for participants to find hope and a new vision for their life through a relationship with God.

The prison environment fosters isolation.  During the weekend, many participants take their first steps in learning to become vulnerable with one another. Following the weekend, they are encouraged to be involved in small groups focusing on accountability, encouragement and prayer.  These groups meet weekly and Kairos volunteers continue to return and provide discipleship and mentoring.  God continues His work of changing hearts and transforming lives as the participants strengthen their relationship with Christ and one another.  They grow in their understanding that, with God's help, a changed way of life is possible.  As transformation continues, new attitudes are expressed in changed behavior.  Soon, they are impacting the world in which they live - inside the prison walls or outside upon their release.

Kairos Outside is for spouses, sisters, daughters and mothers of the incarcerated.  Often, they "do time" right along with their loved ones.  It is important for them to know that they are not alone and that there is a Christian community that cares.  Any adult female family member whose life has been impacted by the incarceration of a loved one is eligible to attend a Kairos Outside weekend.

Kairos Outside is a blend of the "free world" three-day short course on Christianity called Cursillo (which spawned Kairos) and Kairos Inside.  The team consists of concerned, committed Christians who believe in these hurting women and want to encourage them on their life's journey.

The Kairos Outside weekend is based on a series of talks by women sharing their life's journey.  The participants, referred to as guests, review the talks in small family groups.  The program in interspersed with music, prayer, fun activities, and general pampering.  The weekend is Christian in nature, although no religious affiliation is necessary to attend.  After the weekend, the women journey together through "reunion" meetings where there is encouragement for each other on their life impacted by incarcerated loved ones.

Kairos Torch is an introductory two-day program for youth ages 25 and under who live in juvenile detention or correctional facilities.  The weekend is a combined effort of an ecumenical, Torch Team to introduce young men and women to Christian concepts as a means of making better choices for their lives.  The initial weekend is followed with an established mentoring program that involves one to one mentoring sessions.  The Torch program is designed to encourage the participants to remove their masks and develop a mature means of making better choices thus building their self-esteem.  Making better choices will give the participant a hope for a life not affiliated with gangs and crime.